Confederate Victories
By: Jason Marshall

  Fort Pulaski: January 3, 1861

Georgia troops captured Fort Pulaski. The fort is in Savannah, Georgia. The fort was taken without resistance.

Arsenal seized: January 4, 1861

Alabama troops seized an United States arsenal. The arsenal was at Mount Vernon. The Confederate troops caught the arsenal of guard and scaled the walls to see it.

Apalachicola Arsenal: January 6, 1861

Florida troops take control of the Apalachicola Arsenal. It was in a town called, Chattahoochee. The arsenal was taken after the commander of the arsenal sent a telegraph and a message with no reply.

Ship Island: January 20, 1861

Mississippi troops take over Ship Island. The island is close to New Orleans. It is in the Gulf of Mexico.

Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861

The Confederate troops attacked the island fort, Fort Sumter. The fort was taken over by cannon fire and lack of supplies. The only supplies sent to the fort were food, no ammunition. The supplies never reached the fort before the cannons attacked it.

Battle of Chancellorsville: May 1, 1863

Robert E. Lee lead his brave army against the Union fighters. Lee's brilliant strategy lead to a “perfect victory.” The battle was in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. “Stonewall” Jackson lost an arm to friendly fire.

Battle of Cold Harbor: June 1, 1864

It is 10 miles Northeast of Richmond, Virginia. The Union dogs lost to the great fortified Confederate troops lead by R. E. Lee. One of the bloodiest battles.